Monday, January 3, 2011

The Sew Weekly - I'm a contributor!

In 2011 I'll be contributing to one of my favorite blogs, the Sew Weekly, and trying to make one garment a week for a whole year. EEEP! Me, Mena, Adey, Debi and Veronica will all be showing off what we make each week while giving folks a peek inside our creative process when sewing garments.

I'm so excited and super nervous - can I do this? Can I really keep up with that pace and sew adorable things consistently? I'm so ready to see and I can't wait to share all the things I make with you all!


Veronica Darling said...

YAY! So looking forward to getting to know you too Sarah! I'm going to catch up on your recent blog posts as soon as I get home from work!

Best, Veronica Darling

Karen said...

I can't wait to see what you make, also...and I'm watching to see if this undertaking is something I could do someday!

(I used to live in Montrose...I have great memories of Houston.)

Sarah said...

Veronica - I can't wait to see what you make! I LOVE that yellow dress you made a while back and it inspired me to use yellow for my birthday dress (I'm making it in March!)

Karen - I used to live in the 'Trose too! I <3 Houston - big time. It's such a cool city and so many people don't know it!

blatze said...

Yay! I can't wait to read your posts!

Andrea said...

I was surprised (and happy!) to see a Houstonian as one of the new contributors to Sew Weekly. (She mentioned you own a sewing studio ... is it Sew Crafty Houston?) Anyhow, I look forward to your posts, and it's great to know about another sewist in Houston. [And boo on you spellcheck for thinking "sewist" is spelled wrong!]

Sarah said...

Hi Andrea - It is Sew Crafty! And I know what you mean - yay for Houston! Represent!

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